News, Commentary and Science from Jesicha's Hope

There is nothing more important to us than the truth. Without understanding truths we cannot fully make wise decisions. Wisdom is at the heart of every good choice.

Our intention here is to give you articles, information, and commentary on a wide subject of healing.

Health and healing became more important when Jesicha discovered she had cancer. Before her discovery, she felt healthy, and as far as she knew she lived healthily. But we have discovered our environment and agencies we should trust with our health are not keeping us healthy but making us sick. Read more about Jesicha

So our quest began to search for truths and information that would help us not only achieve healthy living but to help us heal from diseases and disorders. Jesicha wanted to give to others what she could not find on her own when she needed that information to heal. It was important for us to continue her dream to help others by getting the information we discover to you.

Enjoy reading our articles, information, and commentary. If you have a question or request we research something important to you please contact us.

We have put our articles, information and commentary in three sections for easy reading. References are provide where it is necessary. All stories, reflections and commentaries are the opinions of the author. No article should be used as a guide or recommendation for treatment, all treatment decisions are to be made by you and your trusted medical professional.



Treatments and Prevention
Treating, Eliminating disease and Curing
 Living a Proactive Life
Decisions and Reflections

Treatment Decisions - What to do?

Grief - the journey through losing someone

Reflecting on Life - perceptions of life and death

Evidence and Truths

History of Healing and Treatments

Non-toxic to toxic - the return of the old and the new discoveries of healing

Did you know? Facts, Science and Fear